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How Long Do Brown Eggs Last In The Refrigerator

05 May 2022
How Long Do Brown Eggs Last In The Refrigerator -

How Long Do Brown Eggs Last In The Refrigerator


Most chicken eggs (of all colors) can last for several weeks past their "best by" date if they are stored properly you can expect your eggs to last 3-6 weeks.

Duck Eggs can last for up to 2-3 weeks after production when refrigerated.

Quail Eggs typically only last 1-2 weeks after production when refrigerated.

Turkey Eggs usually last 2-4 weeks after production when refrigerated.

Pheasant Eggs usually last 2-4 weeks after production when refrigerated.

Goose Eggs have the longest shelf life of up to 5 -6 weeks after production when refrigerated.

So how do you know if your eggs are still good? Do the float test!

The best way to determine how long eggs last past their "best by" date is to conduct a simple egg freshness test.

Fill a bowl with cold water and gently place your egg in the water.

  • If the egg sinks to the bottom and lies on its side, it is still fresh.
  • If the egg stands on its end at the bottom of the bowl, it is still good to eat but not as fresh.

If the egg floats to the top of the bowl, it is no longer fresh enough to eat.

Eggs are a nutritious and versatile food that can be enjoyed in many different ways. They can be boiled, fried, scrambled, or poached, and they can also be used as an ingredient in other dishes like baked goods and casseroles.

Check The Eggs Smell And Consistency Once Opened

  • Smell the egg to check for any telltale or weird odors that may indicate spoiling.
  • Also look for any strange discolorations or inconsistencies in the texture.
  • If the egg looks or smells off then its best to throw it away even if it passes the egg float test.


Eggs should be kept in the refrigerator in their original carton and placed in the coldest part of the fridge, not on the door.

It's Important to be aware of Salmonella and the risks associated with foods that may be spoiled.

When In Doubt, Toss It Out!


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