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Does Candy Expire? Does Candy Go Bad? | Answered

04 May 2022
Does Candy Expire? Does Candy Go Bad? | Answered -

Have you ever wondered if it's okay to eat candy after the expiration date? Do those "best by" dates really mean anything? Does Candy actually go bad? As it turns out, the answer is yes - you can definitely eat candy after the expiration date. In this blog post, we'll discuss why best by dates are just guidelines, and what you should do if you have candy that has passed its expiration date.

We'll also provide some tips for keeping your candy fresh for as long as possible. Enjoy!


Does Candy Expire?

Candy is one of those foods that seems to last forever. Even after the "best by" date has passed, most candy will still taste just as good as it did on the day it was made. That's because best by dates are really just guidelines - they're not necessarily indicative of when a food will go bad.

In fact, many candies will remain fresh and tasty for months (or even years) after their expiration date. So if you've got a stash of candy that's been sitting around for a while, don't be afraid to eat it - it's probably just fine.

Of course, there are a few exceptions to this rule. If your candy has been exposed to heat or moisture, it may not taste as good as it would otherwise.

And if your candy is starting to look discolored or has developed an off odor, it's probably best to toss it out. But in general, you can feel confident eating candy that's past its expiration date.

Does Unopened Candy Go Bad?

Yes, unopened candy can go bad - but it takes a lot longer than you might think. In most cases, unopened candy will remain fresh for at least a year (sometimes even longer). So if you've got a few unopened bags of candy in your pantry, there's no need to worry - they'll probably still be good to eat.

Just be sure to check the condition of the candy before you eat it. Most candies have a unique composition of preservatives and ingredients that not only make them taste delicious but also help them last a long time. However, over time, even the best candy can start to deteriorate.

If you notice that your unopened candy has started to change color or develop an off odor, it's probably best to throw it out.


Will Expired Candy Make You Sick?

No, expired candy, when still in the manufacturers packaging, is very unlikely to make you sick. As we mentioned before, best by dates are simply guidelines - they're not indicative of when a food will actually go bad.

So even if your candy is a few months (or even years) past its expiration date, it's still usually safe to eat. Of course, if the candy doesn't look or smell right, it's probably best to not eat it on the side of caution and throw it out.

But in general, you don't need to worry about getting sick from eating expired candy that is still in its original packaging.

 picture of candy m&m

How To Keep Candy Fresh Longer

If you want to keep your candy fresh for as long as possible, there are a few things you can do. First, store your candy in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity can cause candy to degrade faster, so avoid storing it in the fridge or freezer.

Second, keep your candy in an airtight container - this will help prevent moisture from getting in and ruining the candy. Finally, if you have any opened packages of candy, be sure to seal them up tightly before storing - this will help keep the candy fresh and delicious.

How Long Do Sweets Last In A Jar?

If you store your candy in a cool, dry place, it should last for months past its labeled 'Best By Date'. However, if you store your candy in a humid or warm environment, it will start to degrade and spoil more quickly. So if you want your candy to last as long as possible, be sure to keep it in a cool, dry place.

Also, be sure to keep your candy in an airtight container - this will help prevent moisture from getting in and ruining the candy. Finally, if you have any opened packages of candy, be sure to seal them up tightly before storing - this will help keep the candy fresh and delicious.

Do Sugar-Free Sweets Go Bad?

Sugar-free sweets generally have a longer shelf life than regular candy, since they don't contain as much moisture that can cause them to spoil. However, over time, even sugar-free candy can start to deteriorate.

If you notice that your sugar-free candy has started to change color or develop an off odor, we recommend throwing it away to be extra safe.

How Long Do Gummy Candies Last?

Gummy candies are generally pretty shelf-stable and can last for months (or even years) past their best by date. However, over time, they may start to lose their flavor or become hard and extremely chewy.

If you notice that your gummy candy isn't as delicious as it used to be, rock hard, or bland in flavor, it's probably time to toss it.

Woman Eating Chocolate Bar From Bargain Boxed

Is Expired Chocolate Poisonous?

No, expired chocolate is not poisonous. Chocolate is a pretty shelf-stable food, and can last for months (or even years) after its best by date. However, over time, it may start to lose its flavor or become hard and dry. If you notice that your chocolate isn't as delicious as it used to be, rock hard, or bland in flavor, it's probably time to toss it.

In the worst case you may get an upset stomach from the additional ingredients and preservatives found in your expired chocolate.

But What About White Chocolate?

White chocolate is a bit different from regular chocolate, since it doesn't contain cocoa solids. Because of this, white chocolate can go bad more quickly than regular chocolate.

What Are The White Spots On Chocolate?

If you see white spots on your chocolate, don't worry - this is just a combination of cocoa butter and fats that have risen to the surface. This is perfectly normal, and doesn't mean that your chocolate has gone bad.

Is It Okay To Eat Expired Junk Food?

Yes, in most cases it is perfectly safe to eat expired junk food. Junk food generally has a pretty long shelf life, since it doesn't contain much moisture that can cause it to spoil. However, over time, even junk food can start to deteriorate.

If you notice that your junk food has started to change color, emits an off odor, or has mold spots, its best to throw it away.

So generally speaking there's no need to worry about eating candy after the expiration date. In most cases, it's perfectly safe - and it might even taste exactly the same as when it was made!

Thanks for reading and be sure to check out our signature Bargain Box for the cheapest bulk candy and snack box online!

 Also feel free to check out our article on If Reeses Peanut Butter Cups Expire

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